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Angling on the River Lossie

Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust

The official season for salmon and sea trout runs from the 25th February until 31st October. However, many of the fishing estates and Angling Associations vary the season length within this. For example, Elgin and District Angling Association (EDAA) delays the opening on their fishing until the 1st April for salmon and sea trout and closes the season for sea trout on the 30th September. They close the salmon season on the 31st October.

A salmon and sea trout net fishery existed within the Lossie District from 1850 to 2000. A net and coble sweep net fishery was operated at Lossiemouth and an intermittent fixed engine fishery operated on the coast.

Today the Lossie is fished by rod and line along most of the mainstem from the mouth up to Dallas. The Elgin Angling Association operates in the lower 28km of the river. Upstream from Elgin there are a number of estates who offer fishing access along with the Dallas Angling Association.

Within the Lossie catchment, the following loch-based fisheries offer trout fishing opportunities: Millbuies, Loch na Bo, Loch Romach and Glenlatterach. In addition, put and take fisheries are operated at Mill of Kellas and Wardend fisheries offering stocked rainbow trout and/or brown trout.

Elgin & District Angling Association control the lower 10 miles of the River Lossie.
Permits are available from Bill Fraser 07599562971 or
The Angling Centre, Moss Street, Elgin, 01343 547615.
Annual Membership: £70, Senior/Concession £45, 16 to 21 year olds £45 Junior (under 16) FREE
Visitor Day Permit £15 (No day tickets after 30th September) Visitor Weekly Permit £50

For Dallas Angling Association Contact Ian Sutherland on 01343 890420 or Charlie Gerrie on 01343 890310. Visitor Permits: Day Ticket £7, Weekly Ticket £17.

The Salmon Conservation Regulations which come into effect on 1 April 2016 will make it a criminal offence to kill any salmon on rivers designated a Poor river. The River Lossie has been given a Poor designation and so all salmon must by law be released throughout the season. This new legislation does not apply to sea trout.

Discover our Where to fish in Moray guide.

Fisheries Management Scotland Best Practice Guidance on Catch and Release.

If for any reason you wish to make a complaint to the Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board, please follow the procedure outlined in the Lossie DSFB Complaints Procedure 2024.

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